Friday, May 12, 2017


     I am so happy to be taking this web based class in order to update my expired teaching license.  I started teaching later in life after having the privilege of staying home with our three daughters.  I graduated from U of I in 2000 with my BS in Elementary Education.  I then taught for 9 years full time and 2 part time.  I have been away from teaching for 6 years and have the unexpected, yet glorious opportunity to return to teaching.  Taking this class will allow me not only to update my teaching license but also to immerse myself in the seemingly endless web based tools for teaching and learning,  The following quotation by Thomas Edison helped to inspire me to undertake this current challenge:
                                    "Our greatest weakness lies in giving up.
                                       The most certain way to succeed is
                                        always to try just one more time."
     The challenges that I face in this process of coming back to full time teaching are occurring obviously to me right away.  It is taking me so long to learn how to navigate the various methods of technology just getting started for this class that doubt is coming in that I will be able to utilize them effectively when school starts in August, full throttle!  Time...time....time!
     I have selected two vary interesting looking books that I am looking forward to reading for this class:  Flipping 2.0 Practical Strategies for Flipping Your Class  and The Connected Educator.  Both titles look promising in helping me to shake off the rust and get up to speed with my thinking and concentration skills.  (I Googled "Flipping Classrooms" )
I've been having fun learning how to take a photo from this laptop😅    


     I am so happy to be taking this web based class in order to update my expired teaching license.  I started teaching later in life after...